Presidente Nelson ganha camisa de jogo de jogador da MLB

O jogador da MLB, Bryce Harper, do Washington Nationals e sua esposa, Kayla Harper, juntamente com outros membros de sua família reuniram-se com o Presidente Russell M. Nelson e o Élder Dieter F. Uchtdorf.

Além de presentear o Presidente Nelson com uma camisa do Nats, Harper compartilhou sobre como esse encontro fortaleceu seu testemunho de que o Presidente Nelson é um profeta de Deus.

Depoimento de Bryce, Jogador da MLB

“O Presidente Nelson me deixou em estado de choque”, Bryce escreveu no Instagram. “Ele tem um espírito muito forte. Assim que entrou no recinto comecei a chorar imediatamente e a pensar se era mesmo apropriado estar na mesma sala que aquele homem por causa da incrível fé que tem. Ele veio e apertou minha mão, a mão da minha mulher, da minha família e conversamos por alguns minutos. Ao final, não pude deixar de pensar que tudo o que este homem fala é verdade. É a palavra de Deus.”

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& just as genuine as you could imagine. The soft, quiet but powerful voice he spoke with was indescribable. He talked about family, faith, being humble, & just the pure love of Christ in all that you do. As we were beginning to leave he gave me a hug and I was just in awe in the pure love he showed my family and I. It was everything I could ever imagine and more. The next day we were able to attend both sessions but I wont go to much into that besides the fact that I loved each and every person that had spoke and especially those that had said “I bear witness.” That is so powerful to me because when I doubt myself at times or when I doubt my faith at any point in my life I can look back & know that these men or woman have an understanding of the gospel and a relationship with our Lord more than anybody I’ve ever imagined and maybe one day I can get to that point. I have a testimony of my Heavenly Father and I know that my redeemer lives. I know that President Russell M. Nelson is a true disciple of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I know that the Book Of Mormon is the true word and that The Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints is the true church. I believe in the Atonement & that Jesus died for me so that I can live on earth today. I believe in the Eternal families and the amazing blessings that I get from going to the Temple as often as I can and I believe that anybody that is struggling or going through pain or any tough times that if you take two minutes to say a prayer, read a scripture verse(Luke 1:37), or just turn your life to the light of the Lord then he will lift you up and brighten your life in ways you could’ve never imagined. In my life I’ve had many accolades and have won many awards which have been amazing, but nothing has gave me more happiness than marrying my wife in the temple and giving my life to my Savior Jesus Christ. I hope you have an amazing Sunday. Love to all.🤟🏼

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Contudo, antes de seu incrível encontro com o Presidente Nelson, Harper encontrou o Élder Uchtdorf no elevador.

“A voz era suave, tranquila, mas poderosa, era indescritível”, escreveu Bryce sobre a experiência. “Ele falou sobre família, fé, ser humilde e sobre o puro amor de Cristo em tudo o que faz. Antes de sair, ele me deu um abraço e sentimos o puro amor que demonstrou por mim e minha família.”

Testemunho de Harper

Harper, que é jogador de beisebol profissional, compartilhou seu testemunho com milhares de pessoas, dizendo que nenhum prêmio ou elogio que recebeu se compara a casar-se no templo e “dar a vida ao meu Salvador Jesus Cristo”.

“Tenho um testemunho de meu Pai Celestial e sei que meu Redentor vive. Sei que o Presidente Russell M. Nelson é um verdadeiro discípulo de nosso Senhor e Salvador Jesus Cristo”, escreveu o Bryce. “Sei que o Livro de Mórmon é a palavra da verdade e que A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias é a igreja verdadeira. Acredito na expiação e que Jesus morreu por mim para que eu possa viver na terra hoje.

Acredito em famílias eternas e nas bênçãos incríveis que recebo por frequentar o templo. Acredito que alguém que está lutando ou passando por alguma dor ou momento difícil deve levar dois minutos para fazer uma oração, ler um versículo de escritura (Lucas 1:37), ou apenas voltar a vida para a luz do Senhor. Isso vai levantar e iluminar a vida de uma maneira jamais imaginada. Na minha vida, recebi muitos elogios e ganhei muitos prêmios surpreendentes, mas nada me deu mais felicidade do que me casar com a minha mulher no templo e dar minha vida ao meu Salvador, Jesus Cristo.”

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As I sit here in the Salt Lake City airport I’ve been pondering about the last couple days I was able to spend in Utah with all my family. Of course you all know my season came to an end this year quite early & that was very unfortunate, but with that being said I was sitting back & thinking this will be the first year me and my wife will be able to attend General Conference and hear from the amazing leaders of our Church. As we were flying in on Thursday, I was so excited & anxious to get to Utah to enjoy this great weekend with everybody. So many smiling and energetic faces ready to do the same as me. We had some free time on Friday so we were able to do a session in the beautiful Salt Lake Temple. This was my first session in this temple and what an experience we had. The spirit was on my mind so strongly & the craziness that this offseason will bring. But when I am feeling such things or in a frame of mind like that nothing feeds my soul more than learning & being more in tune with my Lord & Savior in His house upon the earth! Later in the day we had an incredible opportunity to meet with President Nelson & the “German Shepard” Elder Uchtdorf. I can’t begin to describe to any of you how much wisdom and knowledge these men have. President Nelson had me in shock. He had an overwhelming feeling around him of the spirit. He walked into the room and I immediately teared up and began to think if it was even appropriate for me to be in the same room as this man because of how incredible he is. He came over and shook my hand, my wife’s hand, and family’s hands and we talked for a couple minutes. By the end I couldn’t help but think when this man talks it is the truth. It is the word of God & everything that I want to be part of. My mind was racing & I didn’t really have much time to catch my breathe or really sit back and think about what I had just heard or what had just happened because up the elevator & down the hallway stood one of my biggest hero’s and the biggest spiritual gangster’s that I’ve seen, Elder Uchtdorf. When I walked into his office he greeted me with the biggest smile & just the most friendly vibe I’ve ever seen or felt. He was so personable ➡

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Testemunho da esposa

Sua esposa, Kayla, também compartilhou o testemunho sobre o incrível encontro com Presidente Nelson e Élder Uchtdorf.

“Não tenho palavras para descrever o momento inspirador e especial que foi este fim de semana. Sou grata por ser membro da Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias e sinto-me honrada por isso✨.”

Maravilhosa experiência e excelente maneira de compartilhar o evangelho com outras pessoas.



Fonte: LDSLiving


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